***We apologize for the tardiness of this post. The election season has been crazy busy.****
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our "What's the Scoop? Candidate Meet & Greet!" ice cream social held at Expedition Island Pavilion on July 13, 2022.
Thank you to our volunteers!
-Kayla McDonald for her great ideas, planning, shopping, set up, and take down.
-Cindy Lane for her donation for the rental fee for the pavilion and her whole entire family's help in set up, volunteering during the event, and take down.
-Island and Teresa Richards for shopping, sign-up, set up, helping during the event, and take down.
-Mark and Lindsay Cowan for the multiple donations for printing for our party, including the banner for the sponsorships. Thank you for help during the event and with the take down.
Volunteers for setup, takedown and during the event.
Donna & Jerry Guillen, Eric Bingham, Krystle Britt, John and Gloria Barry, Diana Melton, Chas Niemiec, Angela Stephenson, Connie Callas, Cheryl Dick, Patrick Garth, and many others.
Thank you to all of our candidates for attending and making it such a success!
Thank you to EVERYONE who attended, which is what truly made it such a success!
***Thank you to all of our sponsors. We were able to take the sponsorship money and send out a mailer to 5000 Sweetwater County Republicans, encouraging them to vote in the Primary Election. We hoped to combat the crossover voting by asking our long time registered Republicans, who generally sit out the primary and wait for the general, to please vote on August 16th for the Primary Election.***
Harriet Hageman, Bren Bien, Tara Nethercott, Megan Degenfelder, Roy Lloyd, Les Mauch, Island Richards, Robb Slaughter, Jeffrey Smith, Keaton West, John Grossnickle, Dwane Pacheco, Anita Frey, Cindy Lane, Stephen P. Allen, Mark Cowan, Tony Yerkovich, Perri Rubeck, DonnaLee Bobak, Annette Eychner, Stacy Jones, JT Larson, Bob Davis, Clyde Johnson, and Tony Niemiec.
Mark Armstrong, Chris Davis, Jeff Ramaj, Tom James, Scott Heiner, Cody Wylie, Jennifer James, Matt Jackman, Wally Johnson, Max Mickelson, Kathy Phelps, Eric Bingham, and Jon Fernandez.